SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Hand Hygiene

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13 Table 5. Metrics for Reporting Adherence to Hand Hygiene Measurement Numerator Denominator Stratification Metric Direct overt observations a No. of adherent hand hygiene opportunities (HHO) performed No. of total opportunities • Unit • HCP role (Adherent HHOs)/ (Total HHOs) × 100 AHHMS Approximate no. of hand hygiene actions detected by sensors Approximate no. of hand hygiene opportunities detected by sensors • Unit • HCP role • Individual (Approximate hand hygiene actions)/ (approximate HHOs) × 100 a Patient as observer No. of patient reporting adherence Total number of observations submitted by patients Service area and/ or HCP role (No. reporting adherence observations)/ (Total observations) × 100 Product volume Volume of hand hygiene product used (e.g., alcohol- based hand rub or liquid soap) for a specified period in a specified area 1,000 patient days during specified period in specified area, or number of patient visits for outpatient areas or emergency departments • Unit • Service area • No stratification (i.e., facility- wide) Volume (mL) per 1,000 patient days or per patient visit Audits of hand hygiene supplies No. of hand hygiene stations with defects (e.g., lack of adequate supplies or not functioning as intended) No. of hand hygiene stations assessed • Unit • Service area (No. of hand hygiene stations without defects)/ (No. of hand hygiene stations assessed) × 100 a Direct overt observation should not be used to calculate adherence.

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