SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Antibiotic Stewardship in Hospitals During Public Health Emergencies

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Recommendations Microbiologic and Radiographic Diagnostic Tests (cont'd) ➤ HCP should not perform routine testing for fungal infection in the absence of a clinical presentation that raises that concern. ➤ HCP should review the necessity of antibiotics within 48–72 hours as test results become available and should de-escalate or discontinue antibiotic therapy based on those results and clinical response. Note: Procalcitonin results may aid the de-escalation or discontinuation of antibiotic treatments. ➤ HCP should obtain chest radiographs to assess for the extent of lung involvement, but daily repeat studies are not indicated. Use of computed tomography (CT) of the chest should be reserved for circumstances in which results of the CT may result in a change in clinical management (e.g., pulmonary embolus). Role of the Antibiotic Stewardship Program (ASP) ➤ ASPs should monitor emerging information and updates to national and international guidelines that are relevant to antibiotic prescribing, revise clinical recommendations relevant to antimicrobial use, and educate frontline HCP to support appropriate antibiotic stewardship.

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