SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Antibiotic Stewardship in Hospitals During Public Health Emergencies

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Antibiotics During Respiratory Viral Pandemics and Epidemics ➤ If treated at the time of hospital admission, HCP should prescribe antibiotics recommended in guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) for patients presenting from the community with co-infection. • Antibiotics for pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, seen more typically in healthcare-associated infection (HAI), are not recommended. ➤ When there are new clinical signs that are consistent with healthcare-associated bacterial or fungal infection, HCP may consider antibiotics, including broad-spectrum coverage, for patients hospitalized for greater than 48–72 hours who are at greater risk for HAIs and MDROs. ➤ HCP may consider co-infection with other viruses, such as influenza. • If influenza is diagnosed, addition of therapy such as oseltamivir may be indicated. Microbiologic and Radiographic Diagnostic Tests ➤ Before initiating antibiotics, HCP should attempt to obtain a microbiologic diagnosis. ➤ HCP should limit respiratory multiplex PCR tests to ICU patients and patients who require broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy. ➤ HCP should restrict repeat microbiologic testing to changes in a patient's clinical status. ➤ HCP should perform a nasal methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) swab for patients started on anti-MRSA treatment.

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