Endocrine Society GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Glucocorticoid-Induced Adrenal Insufficiency

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Page 21 of 25

22 Tables Table 8. Suggested Glucocorticoid Regimens in Patients at Risk of or With Diagnosed Glucocorticoid-Induced Adrenal Insufficiency During Exposure to Stress General considerations Moderate and major stress If the patient is already taking hydrocortisone ≥200 mg daily, prednisone ≥50 mg daily, or dexamethasone ≥6–8 mg daily, there is typically no need to increase the dose. In patients with suspected reduced absorption (persistent vomiting or diarrhea), nil by mouth, or unable to take tablets, give stress-dose glucocorticoids I.V. or I.M. High body weight can be taken into consideration as a factor indicating higher dosage requirements. (cont'd)

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