AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 2024

AHA GUIDELINES Apps brought to you courtesy of Guideline Central. All of these titles are available for purchase on our website, GuidelineCentral.com. Enjoy!

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Page 31 of 43

32 Treatment Figure 4. Management of Symptoms in Patients With HCM Patients With HCM Treat comorbidities according to GL (1) NO YES See Figure 5 Obstructive physiology? NO YES Repeat evaluation as per Figure 1, Box 2 Avoid vasodilators and high-dose diuretics Beta blocker, verapamil, or diltiazem (1) Symptoms? Disopyramide (1) Myosin inhibitor (1) If symptoms persist GL indicates guideline; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; HFpEF, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; HFrEF, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; and SRT, septal reduction therapy. Septal reduction therapy (1)

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