AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 2024

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Contents of this Issue


Page 38 of 43

39 9.1. Recreational Physical Activity and Competitive Sports COR LOE Recommendations 1 B-R 1. For patients with HCM, mild- to moderate-intensity* recreational † exercise is beneficial to improve cardiorespiratory fitness, physical functioning, and quality of life, and for overall health in keeping with physical activity guidelines for the general population. 1 C-EO 2. For athletes with HCM, a comprehensive evaluation and shared decision-making about sports participation with an expert professional is recommended. 2a B-NR 3. In individuals who are genotype-positive, phenotype-negative for HCM, participation in competitive sports of any intensity is reasonable. 2a B-NR 4. For patients with HCM, participation in vigorous* recreational activities is reasonable after an annual comprehensive evaluation and shared decision-making with an expert professional who balances potential benefits and risks. 2b B-NR 5. For patients with HCM who are capable of a high level of physical performance, participation in competitive sports † may be considered after review by an expert provider with experience managing athletes with HCM who conducts an annual comprehensive evaluation and shared decision-making that balances potential benefits and risks. 3: No benefit B-NR 6. For most patients with HCM, universal restriction from vigorous physical activity or competitive sports is not indicated. 3: Harm C-EO 7. In patients with HCM, ICD placement for the sole purpose of participation in competitive sports should not be performed. * Exercise intensity can be gauged by METS: light <3 METs, moderate 3–6 METs, and vigorous >6 METs, by % maximum heart rate achieved (light 40%–50%, moderate 50%–70%, vigorous >70%), or by level of perceived exertion on the Borg scale (light 7–12, moderate 13–14, vigorous ≥15). † Recreational exercise is done for the purpose of leisure with no requirement for systematic training and without the purpose to excel or compete against others. Competitive sports involve systematic training for the primary purpose of competition against others, at multiple levels, including high school, collegiate, master's level, semiprofessional, or professional sporting activities. 9. Lifestyle Considerations for Patients With HCM

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