AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 2024

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22 Treatment Table 7. Clinical Sudden Death Risk Factors for Adults and Children With HCM Family history of sudden death from HCM Sudden death judged definitively or likely attributable to HCM in ≥1 first-degree or close relatives who are ≤50 y of age. Close relatives would generally be second-degree relatives; however, multiple SCDs in tertiary relatives should also be considered relevant. Massive LVH Wall thickness ≥30 mm in any segment within the chamber by echocardiography or CMR imaging ; consideration for this morphologic marker is also given to borderline values of ≥28 mm in individual patients at the discretion of the treating cardiologist. For pediatric patients with HCM, an absolute or z-score threshold for wall thickness has not been established; however, a maximal wall thickness that corresponds to a z-score ≥20 (and >10 in conjunction with other risk factors) appears reasonable. Unexplained syncope ≥1 unexplained episodes involving acute transient loss of consciousness, judged by history unlikely to be of neurocardiogenic (vasovagal) etiolog y, not attributable to LVOTO, and especially when occurring within 6 mo of evaluation (events beyond 5 y in the past do not appear to have relevance). HCM with LV systolic dysfunction Systolic dysfunction with EF <50% by echocardiography or CMR imaging. LV apical aneurysm Apical aneurysm defined as a discrete thin-walled dyskinetic or akinetic segment with transmural scar or LGE of the most distal portion of the LV chamber, independent of size. (In children, apical aneurysm is uncommon, and the risk has not been studied.) Extensive LGE on CMR imaging Extensive LGE, representing replacement fibrosis, either quantified or estimated by visual inspection, comprising ≥15% of LV mass (extent of LGE conferring risk has not been defined in children). NSVT on ambulatory monitor ≥3 beats at ≥120 bpm has generally been used in studies. It would seem most appropriate to place greater weight on NSVT as a risk marker when runs are frequent (eg, ≥3), longer (eg, ≥10 beats), or faster (eg, ≥200 bpm) occurring usually over 24 to 48 h of monitoring. For pediatric patients, a VT rate that exceeds the baseline sinus rate by >20% is considered significant. Genotype status Genotype-positive status (ie, harboring a putatively disease-causing pathogenic/likely pathogenic variant) is associated with higher SCD risk in pediatric HCM patients. BPM indicate beats per min; CMR indicates cardiovascular magnetic resonance; ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; LGE, late gadolinium enhancement; LV, le ventricular; LVH, le ventricular hypertrophy; LVOTO, le ventricular outflow tract obstruction; NSVT, nonsustained ventricular tachycardia; SCD, sudden cardiac death; and VT, ventricular tachycardia.

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