AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 2024

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Page 15 of 43

16 Treatment Figure 1. Recommended Evaluation and Testing for HCM HCM Suspected or Family History of HCM Diagnostic Testing (ECG, Imaging, Genetics) (See Figure 2 for details on genetic testing) YES NO Phenotype Negative Further clinical or genetic testing is not recommended (3: No Benefit) Family with known P/LP variant? (See Figure 2 for more detail) Reassess variant classification (1) 1 YES, or Unknown NO Patient has family variant? Variant downgraded to VUS Variant = P/LP * e interval may be extended, particularly in adult patients who remain stable aer multiple evaluations. 3 4 Screening ECG and echo (CMR if echo is inconclusive) at the intervals in Table 6 (1) 5

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