NLA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Dyslipidemia-II NLA

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19 Figure 2. Dyslipidemia Algorithm Targeting LDL-C from the 2011 Expert Integrated Guidelines for Cardiovascular Health and Risk Reduction in Children and Adolescents TG ≥500 mg/dL, → Consult lipid specialist Exclude secondary cause Evaluate for other RFs Start CHILD-1 → CHILD-2-LDL (+ lifestyle change x 6 mo c LDL-C ≥250 mg/dL, → Consult lipid specialist FLP x 2 a average LDL-C ≥130, <250 mg/dL b → Target LDL-C TG ≥100, <500 mg/dL, <10 y → Target TG TG ≥130, <500 mg/d, 10–19 y (see TG Supplement) FLP LDL-C <130 mg/dL, → Continue CHILD-2-LDL → Repeat FLP every 12 mo LDL-C ≥130–189 mg/dL FHX (-) No other RFs → Continue CHILD-2-LDL Follow every 6 mo with FLP FHx/RF update LDL-C ≥190 mgldL → lnitiate statin therapy LDL-C ≥160–189 mg/dL FHx (+) or 1 high-level RF or ≥2 moderate-level RFs → initiate statin therapy LDL-C ≥130–159 mg/dL + 2 high-level RFs or 1 high-level RF + ≥2 moderate-level RFs Or Clinical CVD → initiate statin therapy Follow with FLPs, related chemistries → LDL-C still ≥130 mg/dL, TG <200 mg/dL, refer to lipid specialist for addition of second lipid-lowering agent. → In high LDL-C patients, if non-HDL-C ≥145 mg/dL after effective LDL-C treatment, → Target TG (see Hypertriglyceridemia) a Obtain FLPs ≥2 weeks but ≤3 months apart. b Per Table 8, use of drug therapy is limited to children aged ≥10 years with defined risk profiles. c In a child with an LDL cholesterol level >190 mg/dL and other risk factors, a trial of the CHILD-2-LDL may be abbreviated.

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