ICAR GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Rhinology and Allergy Rhinosinusitis

ICAR IFAR GUIDELINES brought to you courtesy of Guideline Central. All of these titles are available for purchase on our website, GuidelineCentral.com. Enjoy!

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Contents of this Issue


Page 11 of 27

12 Treatment Table 4. Grade A/B Evidence-based Recommendations for Medical Management of CRS Intervention Grade Benefit Harm CRSwNP: Anti-Leukotrienes A Improvement in symptoms comparable to INCS. May have limited benefit as an adjunct to INCS Limited risks. Montelukast associated with neuropsychiatric events. Zileuton associated with elevated liver enzymes requiring monitoring. See Table 9 CRSs/wNP: Xylitol Irrigation B Symptomatic improvement in the 2 small RCTs in postoperative patients Occasional local discomfort, stinging CRSs/wNP: Colloidal Silver B (−) No benefit for use in clinical studies Potential increase in serum silver levels CRSwNP: Furosemide B Reduced recurrence of nasal polyps following ESS over placebo nasal spray No studies have been performed to assess systemic safety with nasal delivery CRSwNP (AERD): ASA Desensitization A Reduced postop polyp recurrence, increased QoL and reduced symptoms. Reduced need for systemic corticosteroids and surgical revisions GI bleeding, increased morbidity in renal disease and clotting dysfunction at high maintenance doses. <3% GI side effects with low-dose protocols (cont'd)

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