AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Chronic Coronary Disease 2023

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Page 32 of 65

33 Table 13. Core Components of CR Patient assessment Nutritional counseling Weight management Blood pressure management Lipid management Diabetes management Tobacco cessation Psychosocial management Physical activity counseling Exercise training Modified with permission from Balady GJ, et al. Circulation. 2007;115:2675-2682. Copyright 2007 American Heart Association, Inc. 4.2.11. Physical Activity COR LOE Recommendations 1 A 1. For patients with CCD who do not have contraindications, an exercise regimen is recommended, including ≥150 minutes/ wk of moderate-intensity aerobic activities or ≥75 minutes/ wk of higher-intensity aerobic activities to improve functional capacity and QOL, and to reduce hospital admission and mortality rates. 1 B-R 2. For patients with CCD who do not have contraindications, resistance (strength) training exercises are recommended on ≥2 days/wk to improve muscle strength, functional capacity, and cardiovascular risk factor control. 2a B-NR 3. For patients with CCD who do not have contraindications, lower-intensity lifestyle activities (eg, walking breaks at work) to reduce sedentary behavior (ie, sitting time) are reasonable to improve functional capacity and reduce cardiovascular risk, especially in individuals with low levels of habitual leisure time physical activity.

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