AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Chronic Coronary Disease 2023

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Contents of this Issue


Page 31 of 65

32 Treatment 4.2.9. Weight Management COR LOE Recommendations 1 C-EO 1. In patients with CCD, assessment of BMI with or without waist circumference is recommended during routine clinical follow-up. 1 B-NR 2. Patients with CCD and overweight or obesity should receive counseling on diet, lifestyle, and goals for weight loss. 2a B-R 3. For patients with CCD and overweight or obesity in whom pharmacologic therapy is warranted for further weight reduction, a GLP-1 receptor agonist can be beneficial in addition to counseling for diet and physical activity, and it is reasonable to choose semaglutide over liraglutide. 2a B-NR 4. In patients with CCD and severe obesity who have not met weight loss goals with lifestyle and pharmacologic intervention, and who have acceptable surgical risk, referral for consideration of a bariatric procedure is reasonable for weight loss and cardiovascular risk factor reduction. 3: Harm B-R 5. In patients with CCD, use of sympathomimetic weight loss drugs is potentially harmful. 4.2.10. Cardiac Rehabilitation COR LOE Recommendations 1 A* 1. All patients with CCD and appropriate indications* †‡ should be referred to a cardiac rehabilitation program to improve outcomes. B-R † C-LD ‡ * Aer recent MI, PCI, or CABG. † With stable angina or aer heart transplant. ‡ Aer recent spontaneous coronary artery dissection event.

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