APA Guidelines Bundle

APA Eating Disorders Patient Guide

APA GUIDELINES App Bundle brought to you courtesy of Guideline Central. All of these titles are available for purchase on our website, GuidelineCentral.com. Enjoy!

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Page 9 of 13

10 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS   • What are the warning signs of an eating disorder?   » Warning signs of an eating disorder can differ for each person, but some of the most common signs include: • Constant focus on weight, food, calories, dieting, and/or body image. • Development of unusual, secretive, extreme, or ritualized eating habits. • Evidence of binge eating, such as the disappearance of a large amount of food. • Evidence of purging behaviors, including frequent trips to the bathroom after meals and/or laxative, diet pill, or diuretic use. • Compulsive or excessive exercising. • Discoloration or staining of the teeth. • Other changes in mood and behavior such as depression, anxiety, irritability, or withdrawal from friends and activities. ? ? ?

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