APA Guidelines Bundle

APA Eating Disorders Patient Guide

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5 TREATMENT What Will Treatment Include?   • Every person's situation is different, so choosing the best treatment options will be a shared decision between the patient and treating clinicians, with adjustments in the plan made as treatment progresses.   • Often family members or others in the person's support network will give input on decisions about treatment.   • Typically, treatment of an eating disorder will be given by a team of individuals with medical, psychiatric, psychological, and nutritional expertise.   • Psychotherapy is a crucial element in the treatment of an eating disorder.   • Medications may be suggested in some circumstances. Determining the Best Level of Care   • There are multiple levels of care and care settings available to help patients with eating disorders.   • The most common levels of care include outpatient, intensive outpatient, residential, and hospital-based care.   • Within a level of care, some programs may have additional capabilities, such as staff and facilities for managing serious physical health complications.   • Because the right setting and level of care will depend on multiple factors, the patient and family should discuss the most appropriate level of care with the clinician.

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