APA Guidelines Bundle

APA Eating Disorders Patient Guide

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4 INITIAL ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION   • Other information that may be asked as part of an assessment includes:   » Height and weight history, including any recent weight changes.   » Eating habits, including foods that are typically eaten or avoided, binge eating, or other eating behaviors.   » Efforts to control weight by eating less food, self-inducing vomiting after eating, compulsive exercising, or taking medications to affect weight.   » Preoccupations with food, weight, or body shape.   » Effects of eating behaviors and body image concerns on school or work functioning and relationships with family and others.   » Family history of eating disorders or other medical conditions, including mental health.   » Previous treatment including psychotherapy and any medications currently or recently taken, including prescriptions and over the counter medications, such as laxatives.   • Individuals struggling with eating disorders are often dealing with other physical and mental health challenges as well. Mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, or substance use can be present along with an eating disorder and can affect treatment choices and outcomes. For this reason, it is important for patients to mention any stresses and psychological or physical health concerns that they may be experiencing.   • A physical exam will also be done that includes measuring height, body weight, pulse, blood pressure, temperature, and looking for other physical changes that can occur as part of an eating disorder. Depending on the results of the history and physical exam, the clinician may suggest laboratory tests and an electrocardiogram (ECG) to monitor the heart.

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