AAN DPNP Patient Guide

AAN GUIDELINES Product Bundle brought to you by Guideline Central.

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Treatment • Your health care team will discuss all available treatment options with you. These options include both prescription medications and over the counter medications as well as nonpharmacologic approaches such as meditation and behavioral therapy. • Some patients might prefer to begin therapy with nonpharmacologic approaches, while others prefer to begin with prescription medications. • Should you choose a pharmacologic approach, there are medications that can be taken orally (e.g., pills/capsules) or medications that can be applied directly to your skin in the areas you are experiencing pain (e.g., topicals/creams) (see Table 1). The goal of treatment is to reduce the frequency and severity of your pain and improve your overall quality of life. Decision-making about treatment should be a joint effort between you and your health care team after discussing all available options.

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