Table 2. Screening Questionnaires for Eating Disorders
(Instructions: circle "Y" for "yes" and "N" for "no")
SCOFF Questionnaire (Morgan et al. 1999)
Y / N
Do you make yourself Sick because you feel uncomfortably full?
Y / N
Do you worry you have lost Control over how much you eat?
Y / N
Have you recently lost >14 lbs (One stone) in a 3-month period?
Y / N
Do you believe yourself to be Fat when others say you are too thin?
Y / N
Would you say that Food dominates your life?
Y / N
To assess for binge-eating disorder, add: During the last 3 months,
did you have any episodes of excessive overeating (i.e., eating
significantly more than what most people would eat in a similar
period of time)?
Screen for Disordered Eating (Maguen et al. 2018)
Y / N
Do you often feel the desire to eat when you are emotionally
upset or stressed?
Y / N
Do you often feel that you can't control what or how much you eat?
Y / N
Do you sometimes make yourself throw up (vomit) to control
your weight?
Y / N
Are you often preoccupied with a desire to be thinner?
Y / N
Do you believe yourself to be fat when others say you are too thin?
Eating Disorder Screen for Primary Care (Cotton et al. 2003)
Y / N
Are you satisfied with your eating patterns? Answering "no" to
this question is classified as an abnormal response.
Y / N
Do you ever eat in secret? Answering "yes" to this and all other
questions is classified as an abnormal response.
Y / N
Does your weight affect the way you feel about yourself?
Y / N
Have any members of your family suffered with an eating disorder?
Y / N
Do you make yourself sick because you feel uncomfortably full?
Screening for Presence of an Eating Disorder
Statement 1
➤ APA recommends (1C) screening for the presence of an eating disorder
as part of an initial psychiatric evaluation.