Initial Evaluation of Eating History
Statement 2
➤ APA recommends (1C) that the initial evaluation of a patient with a
possible eating disorder include assessment of:
• the patient's height and weight history (e.g., maximum and minimum
weight, recent weight changes);
• presence of, patterns in, and changes in restrictive eating, food
avoidance, binge eating, and other eating-related behaviors
(e.g., rumination, regurgitation, chewing and spitting);
• patterns and changes in food repertoire (e.g., breadth of food variety,
narrowing or elimination of food groups);
• presence of, patterns in, and changes in compensatory and other weight
control behaviors, including dietary restriction, compulsive or driven
exercise, purging behaviors (e.g., laxative use, self-induced vomiting), and
use of medication to manipulate weight;
• percentage of time preoccupied with food, weight, and body shape;
• prior treatment and response to treatment for an eating disorder;
• psychosocial impairment secondary to eating or body image concerns or
behaviors; and
• family history of eating disorders, other psychiatric illnesses, and other
medical conditions (e.g., obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes
Quantitative Measures
Statement 3
➤ APA recommends (1C) that the initial psychiatric evaluation of a
patient with a possible eating disorder include weighing the patient
and quantifying eating and weight control behaviors (e.g., frequency,
intensity, or time spent on dietary restriction, binge eating, purging,
exercise, and other compensatory behaviors).
Identification of Co-Occurring Conditions
Statement 4
➤ APA recommends (1C) that the initial psychiatric evaluation of a patient
with a possible eating disorder identify co-occurring health conditions,
including co-occurring psychiatric disorders.