Axilla Management in Early-Stage Breast Cancer

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10 Management Figure 1. Management of the Axilla in Early-Stage Breast Cancer If mastectomy or BCT and ≥3 nodes positive Standard RT (consider regional RT in selected patients) b No ALND b No axillary staging in selected groups (e.g. age >70 yrs, ER positive, comorbidities) b NAC Axillary ultrasound pre NAC for staging Clinically node negative a No axillary ultrasound for staging Standard whole breast or chest wall RT (loco-regional RT in selected patients) b If BCT, 1–2 nodes positive, and planning RT e Node positive e Node negative If mastectomy, 1–2 nodes positive Single tracer (radiocolloid) if primary surgery; if non- identification or low volume center, use dual dye SLNB c a Refers to all patients with no palpable axillary nodes on physical examination, including those who may have had an ultrasoun d that was equivocal, abnormal, or even biopsy proven positive. b Decision making should be made on a case by case basis, and include a patient centered approach; that is, consider and discuss pros and cons of various options in light of patient patient's specific circumstances, values, and preferences. c Do not recommend SLNB before chemotherapy except in special circumstances aer multidisciplinary discussion. No ALND ALND b Loco-regional RT High risk patients Low risk patients No NAC

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