AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Coronary Artery Revascularization

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Contents of this Issue


Page 44 of 49

45 Cardiac Rehabilitation and Education COR LOE Recommendations 1 A 1. In patients who have undergone revascularization, a comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation program (home based or center based) should be prescribed either before hospital discharge or during the first outpatient visit to reduce deaths and hospital readmissions and improve quality of life. 1 C-LD 2. Patients who have undergone revascularization should be educated about CVD risk factors and their modification to reduce cardiovascular events. Smoking Cessation in Patients After Revascularization COR LOE Recommendations 1 A 1. In patients who use tobacco and have undergone coronary revascularization, a combination of behavioral interventions + pharmacotherapy is recommended to maximize cessation and reduce adverse cardiac events. 1 A 2. In patients who use tobacco and have undergone coronary revascularization, smoking cessation interventions are recommended during hospitalization and should include supportive follow-up for at least 1 month after discharge to facilitate tobacco cessation and reduce morbidity and mortality. Psychological Interventions in Patients After Revascularization COR LOE Recommendations 1 B-R 1. In patients who have undergone coronary revascularization who have symptoms of depression, anxiety, or stress, treatment with cognitive behavioral therapy, psychological counseling, and/or pharmacological interventions is beneficial to improve quality of life and cardiac outcomes. 2b C-LD 2. In patients who have undergone coronary revascularization, it may be reasonable to screen for depression and refer or treat when it is indicated to improve quality of life and recovery. Addressing Psychosocial Factors and Lifestyle Changes After Revascularization

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