AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Coronary Artery Revascularization

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Contents of this Issue


Page 30 of 49

31 Aspirin and Oral P2Y12 Inhibitors in Patients Undergoing PCI COR LOE Recommendations 1 B-R 1. In patients undergoing PCI, a loading dose of aspirin, followed by daily dosing, is recommended to reduce ischemic events.* 1 B-R 2. In patients with ACS undergoing PCI, a loading dose of P2Y12 inhibitor, followed by daily dosing, is recommended to reduce ischemic events. 1 C-LD 3. In patients with SIHD undergoing PCI, a loading dose of clopidogrel, followed by daily dosing, is recommended to reduce ischemic events. 1 C-LD 4. In patients undergoing PCI within 24 hours after fibrinolytic therapy, a loading dose of 300 mg of clopidogrel, followed by daily dosing, is recommended to reduce ischemic events. 2a B-R 5. In patients with ACS undergoing PCI, it is reasonable to use ticagrelor or prasugrel in preference to clopidogrel to reduce ischemic events, including stent thrombosis. 2b B-R 6. In patients <75 years of age undergoing PCI within 24 hours after fibrinolytic therapy, ticagrelor may be a reasonable alternative to clopidogrel to reduce ischemic events. 3: Harm B-R 7. In patients undergoing PCI who have a history of stroke or transient ischemic attack, prasugrel should NOT be administered. * Contraindications to ticagrelor: previous intracranial hemorrhage or ongoing bleeding. Contraindications to prasugrel: previous intracranial hemorrhage, previous ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack, or ongoing bleeding. Prasugrel should be used with caution at a lower dose in patients ≥75 years of age or with a body weight <60 kg. Pharmacotherapy in Patients Undergoing PCI

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