AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

2021 Chest Pain Guidelines

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Page 39 of 55

40 Treatment Pretest Probabilities of Obstructive CAD in Symptomatic Patients (A) according to age, sex, and symptoms; (B) according to age, sex, symptoms, and CAC Age, y Chest Pain Dyspnea Men Women Men Women 30–39 ≤4 ≤5 0 3 40–49 ≤22 ≤10 12 3 50–59 ≤32 ≤13 20 9 60–69 ≤44 ≤16 27 14 70+ ≤52 ≤27 32 12 Intermediate–High >15% Low ≤15% >15%–50% ≤15% >50% Pretest probability based on age, sex, and symptoms A Pretest probability based on age, sex, symptoms, and CAC score + B CAC 1–99 CAC ≥100–999 CAC ≥1,000 e Pretest Probability shown is for patients with anginal symptoms. Patients with lower risk symptoms would be expected to have lower PTP. e darker green and orange shaded regions denote the groups in which non-invasive testing is most beneficial (pre-test probability >15%). e light green shaded regions denote the groups with pre-test probability of CAD ≤15% in which the testing for diagnosis may be considered based on clinical judgement. If CAC available, can use to estimate pretest probability based on CAC Score. Adapted and modified from Juarez-Orozc ESC 2019 Nov 1;20(11):1198-1207. + Winther, S. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020 Nov 24;76(21):2421-2432. Figure 11. Pretest Probabilities of Obstructive CAD in Symptomatic Patients According to Age, Sex, and Symptoms

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