is Guideline attempts to define principles of practice that should produce high-quality patient
care. It is applicable to specialists, primary care, and providers at all levels. is Guideline
should not be considered exclusive of other methods of care reasonably directed at obtaining the
same results. e ultimate judgment concerning the propriety of any course of conduct must be
made by the clinician aer consideration of each individual patient situation.
Neither IGC, the medical associations, nor the authors endorse any product or service associated
with the distributor of this clinical reference tool.
Lieberman P, Nicklas RA, Randolph C, Oppenheimer J, Bernstein D, Bernstein J, Ellis
A, Golden DB, Greenberger P, Kemp S, Khan D, Ledford D, Lieberman J, Metcalfe D,
Nowak-Wegrzyn A, Sicherer S, Wallace D, Blessing-Moore J, Lang D, Portnoy JM, Schuller
D, Spector S, Tilles SA. Anaphylaxis-a practice parameter update 2015. Ann Allerg y
Asthma Immunol. 2015 Nov;115(5):341-84.
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ACE inhibitors, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; AHNMD, ssociated
with lymphoproliferative disorders; AIE, auto-injectable epinephrine; AIT, allergen
immunotherapy; alpha-gal, galactose-a-1,3-galactose; EIA, exercise-induced anaphylaxis;
EMS, emergency medical services; FAAN, Food Allerg y and Anaphylaxis Network
(now Food Allerg y; Research & Education); FDEIA, food-dependent exercise-induced
anaphylaxis; MCAS, mast cell activating syndrome; MMAS, monoclonal mast cell
activating syndrome; NIAID, National Institute of Allerg y and Infectious Diseases; NL,
normal; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug ; RCM, radiocontrast material;
SCIT, subcutaneous immunotherapy; SM, systemic mastocytosis; SR, systemic reaction;
SS, summary statement: UP, urticaria pigmentosa; VIT, venom immunotherapy; WHO,
World Health Organization