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Gout Hyperuricemia

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Overview of Gout 3 Figure 1. Management of Gout Recommendations for ALL Patients with Diagnosis of Gout (C) • Evaluate current burden and future potential of gout disease (measure uric acid, evaluate for risk factors for hyperuricemia, evaluate severity and frequency of acute gout attacks, examine for palpable tophi) • Educate patient on diet and lifestyle (See Figure 3) • Consider secondary causes of hyperuricemia (See Table 1) • Eliminate or substitute non-essential prescription medications that induce hyperuricemia a (See Figure 1 continued) Evaluate Indications for Urate-Lowering erapy (ULT) Any patient with established diagnosis of gouty arthritis and • Tophus or tophi on clinical exam or imaging study (A) • Frequent attacks of acute gouty arthritis (≥2 attacks/yr) (A) • CKD stage 2 or worse (C) • Past urolithiasis (C) If Ongoing Pharmacologic ULT is indicated DEFINE SERUM URATE TARGET GOAL • <6 mg/dl for ALL patients on ULT • <5 mg/dl for patients with "complicated gout" (as defined by refractory, severe acute attacks or severe tophaceous burden – See Figure 2) • Begin ULT + concomitant antiinflammatory prophylaxis against acute gout attacks Begin First Line ULT agent Allopurinol (See Table 2a) Febuxostat OR Alternative First Line ULT: Probenecid b (B) (See Table 2b) If at least one XOI is contraindicated or not tolerated Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitor (XOI): (A) Acute Gout Prophylaxis (A) (See Figure 4) TREAT TO TARGET Serum urate target achieved? Increase intensity of ULT Re-evaluate serum urate (See Table 3) Long-Term Management of Gout (See Figure 1 continued) Establish Diagnosis of Gout Re-evaluate need for ULT as clinical symptoms of gout change Allopurinol is the most commonly used ULT agent. NO YES +

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