ATA Guidelines Tools

DTC Thyroid Nodules

American Thyroid Association Quick-Reference GUIDELINES Apps

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Thyroid Nodules 4 9. Thyroid nodule FNA cytology should be reported using diagnostic groups outlined in the Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology ( ng&pmid=20660341). (SR-M) 10. A) For a nodule with an initial nondiagnostic cytology result, FNA should be repeated with US guidance and, if available, on-site cytologic evaluation. (SR-M) B) Repeatedly nondiagnostic nodules without a high suspicion sonographic pattern require close observation or surgical excision for histopathologic diagnosis. (WR-L) C) Surgery should be considered for histopathologic diagnosis if the cytologically nondiagnostic nodule has a high suspicion sonographic pattern, growth of the nodule (greater than 20% in two dimensions) is detected during ultrasound surveillance, or clinical risk factors for malignancy are present. (WR-L) 11. If the nodule is benign on cytology, further immediate diagnostic studies or treatment are not required. (SR-H) 12. If a cytology result is diagnostic for primary thyroid malignancy, surgery is generally recommended. (SR-M) 13. If molecular testing is being considered, patients should be counseled regarding the potential benefits and limitations of testing, and about the possible uncertainties in the therapeutic and long-term clinical implications of results. (SR-L) 14. If intended for clinical use, molecular testing should be performed in CLIA/CAP (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments/College of American Pathologists) certified molecular laboratories, or international equivalent, as reported quality assurance practices may be superior compared to other settings. (SR-L) 15. A) For nodules with AUS/FLUS cytology, after consideration of worrisome clinical and sonographic features, investigations such as repeat FNA or molecular testing may be used to supplement malignancy risk assessment in lieu of proceeding directly with a strategy of either surveillance or diagnostic surgery. Informed patient preference and feasibility should be considered in clinical decision-making. (WR-M) B) If repeat FNA cytology and/or molecular testing are not performed or inconclusive, either surveillance or diagnostic surgical excision may be performed for an AUS/FLUS thyroid nodule, depending on clinical risk factors, sonographic pattern, and patient preference. (SR-L)

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