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ACR Rheumatoid Arthritis RA Guidelines

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1 Table 1. Definitions (cont'd) Key Terms Definitions Disease activity Categorized as low, moderate, or high as per validated scales (Table 3). Moderate and high disease activity categories were combined, as used previously for the 2012 ACR RA treatment recommendations. 1 RA remission A joint ACR-EULAR task force defined remission as a tender joint count, swollen joint count, C-reactive protein (mg/dL) and patient global assessment ≤1 each or a Simplified Disease Activity Score (DAS) of ≤ 3.3, 4 one of 6 ACR-endorsed disease activity measures. b Optimal dosing of RA treatments • Dosing to achieve a therapeutic target derived from mutual patient- clinician consideration of patient priorities, and • Given for ≥3 months before therapy escalation or switching. DMARD failure Failure of traditional/conventional DMARD(s) due to lack of efficacy/desired response or side effects. Biologic failure Failure of biologic(s) due to lack of efficacy/desired response or side effects. Secondary biologic failure A biologic was efficacious initially but subsequently became inefficacious. Active hepatitis B infection Hepatitis B surface antigen positive, Hepatitis B surface antibody negative, Hepatitis B core antibody total positive (less important), AST/ALT typically increased, HBV DNA positive (if checked). Hepatitis C infection HCV antibody positive, HCV RNA positive, AST/ALT typically increased. NYHA class III and IV • NYHA class III includes patients with cardiac disease resulting in marked limitation of physical activity with less than ordinary physical activity causing fatigue, palpitation, dyspnea, or angina, but no symptoms at rest. • NYHA class IV includes patients with cardiac disease resulting in inability to carry on any physical activity without discomfort, symptoms of heart failure are present even at rest, and discomfort increases if any physical activity is undertaken. 5 NOTE: All numeric superscripts refer to Source References on page 17. Alphabetic superscripts refer to footnotes at the end of figures and tables. a New classification criteria for RA (ACR /EULAR collaborative initiative) were published in 2010. 3 e definition of established RA is based on the 1987 ACR RA Classification criteria, 2 since the 2010 ACR RA classification allows a much earlier diagnosis. b Any of the ACR-recommended disease activity measures may be chosen, as described in Anderson et al. 1

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