ACR GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

ACR Rheumatoid Arthritis RA Guidelines

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6 Treatment Table 5. Recommendations for Patients with Established RA a Recommendations Level of Evidence 1. Regardless of disease activity level, use a treat-to-target strategy rather than a non-targeted approach. Moderate 2. If the disease activity is low, in patients who have never taken a DMARD, use DMARD monotherapy (MTX preferred) over a TNFi. Low 3. If the disease activity is moderate or high in patients who have never taken a DMARD: • use DMARD monotherapy (MTX preferred) over tofacitinib. High • use DMARD monotherapy (MTX preferred) over combination DMARD therapy. Moderate 4. If disease activity remains moderate or high despite DMARD monotherapy, use combination traditional DMARDs or add a TNFi or a non-TNF biologic or tofacitinib (all choices with or without MTX, in no particular order of preference), rather than continuing DMARD monotherapy alone. Moderate to Very Low 5. If disease activity remains moderate or high despite TNFi therapy in patients who are currently not on DMARDs, add one or two DMARDs to TNFi therapy rather than continuing TNFi therapy alone. High 6. If disease activity remains moderate or high despite use of a single TNFi: • use a non-TNF biologic, with or without methotrexate, over another TNFi with or without methotrexate. Low to Very Low • use a non-TNF biologic, with or without methotrexate, over tofacitinib with or without methotrexate. Very Low b 7. If disease activity remains moderate or high despite use of a single non-TNF biologic, use another non-TNF biologic, with or without methotrexate, over tofacitinib, with or without methotrexate. Very Low b 8. If disease activity remains moderate or high despite use of multiple (2+) sequential TNFi therapies, first use a non-TNF biologic, with or without methotrexate, over another TNFi or tofacitinib (with or without methotrexate). Very Low 9. If the disease activity still remains moderate or high despite the use of multiple TNFi therapies, use tofacitinib, with or without methotrexate, over another TNFi, with or without methotrexate, if use of a non-TNF biologic is not an option. Low

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