ACR GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Osteoarthritis Guidelines

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Treatment Hand Table 1. Nonpharmacologic Recommendations for the Management of Hand Osteoarthritis (OA) a The ACR conditionally recommends that health professionals should do the following: • Evaluate the ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) • Instruct in joint protection techniques • Provide assistive devices, as needed, to help patients perform ADLs • Instruct in use of thermal modalities • Provide splints for patients with trapeziometacarpal joint OA a No strong recommendations were made for the nonpharmacologic management of hand OA. e evidence supporting these interventions demonstrated only a small to moderate effect. Table 2. Pharmacologic Recommendations for the Initial Management of Hand Osteoarthritis (OA) a The ACR conditionally recommends that health professionals should use one or more of the following: • Topical capsaicin • Topical NSAIDs, including trolamine salicylate • Oral NSAIDs, including COX-2 selective inhibitors • Tramadol The ACR conditionally recommends that health professionals should NOT use the following: • Intraarticular therapies • Opioid analgesics The ACR conditionally recommends: • That persons age ≥75 years should use topical rather than oral NSAIDs. • In persons age <75 years, the ACR expresses no preference for using topical rather than oral NSAIDs. a No strong recommendations were made for the pharmacologic management of hand OA.

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