ACR GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Guidelines

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Table 4. Drugs Drugs Brand JIA Dose IL-6 Tocilizumab Actemra Polyarticular • <30 mg : 10 mg/kg • ≥30 mg : 8 mg/kg Systemic • <30 mg : 12 mg/kg • ≥30 mg : 10 mg/kg IL-1 Anakinra Kineret No FDA-approved label Canakinumab Ilaris • ≥7.5 kg : 4 mg/kg IV subcut (Max: 300 mg ) q4wks Rilonacept Arcalyst No FDA-approved label Anti-TNF Adalimumab Humira Subcut • 10 kg to <15 kg : 10 mg every other week • 15 kg to <30 kg : 20 mg every other week • ≥30 kg : 40 mg every other week Certolizumab Cimzia No FDA-approved label Etanercept Enbrel 0.8 mg/kg subcut weekly, with a maximum of 50 mg per week Golimumab Simponi No FDA-approved label Infliximab Remicade No FDA-approved label Other Biologics Abatacept Orencia • <75 kg : 10 mg/kg IV • 75-100 kg : 750 mg IV • >100 mg : 1000 mg IV Rituximab Rituxan No FDA-approved label Calcineurin inhibitors Cyclosporine Neoral No FDA-approved label Tacrolimus Prograf No FDA-approved label DMARDs Leflunomide Arava, generic • <20 kg : PO 100 mg once, then 10 mg q2d • 20-40 kg : 100 mg daily × 2, then 10 mg daily • >40 mg : 100 daily × 3, then 20 mg daily Methotrexate Rasuvo, Otrexup 15 mg/m 2 subcut weekly

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