IDSA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Aspergillosis 2016

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2 Î The IDSA recommends prophylaxis with posaconazole (S-H), voriconazole (S-M), and/or micafungin (W-L) during prolonged neutropenia for those who are at high risk for IA (S-H). Prophylaxis with caspofungin is also probably effective (W-L). Prophylaxis with itraconazole is effective, but therapy may be limited by absorption and tolerability (S-M). Triazoles should not be co-administered with other agents known to have potentially toxic levels with concurrent triazole co-administration (such as vinca alkaloids, and others) (S-M). Graft vs. Host Disease (GVHD) Î The IDSA recommends prophylaxis with posaconazole for allogeneic HSCT recipients with GVHD who are at high risk for IA (S-H). Prophylaxis with other mold-active azoles is also effective. Voriconazole is commonly used for prophylaxis against IA in high risk patients but did not show improved survival in clinical trials (S-M). Prophylaxis with itraconazole is limited by tolerability and absorption (S-H). Î The IDSA recommends continuation of antifungal prophylaxis throughout the duration of immunosuppression in patients with chronic immunosuppression associated with GVHD (corticosteroid equivalent of >1 mg/kg/day of prednisone for >2 weeks and/or the use of other anti-GVHD therapies, such as lymphocyte depleting agents or tumor necrosis factor-α [TNF-α] inhibition, for refractory GVHD) (S-H). Lung Transplant Î The IDSA recommends antifungal prophylaxis with either a systemic triazole such as voriconazole or itraconazole or an inhaled amphotericin B (AmB) product for 3–4 months after lung transplant (S-M). Î Systemic voriconazole or itraconazole is suggested over inhaled amphotericin B for lung transplant recipients with mold colonization pre- or post-lung transplantation, mold infections found in explanted lungs, fungal infections in the sinus, and single lung transplant recipients (W-L). Î The IDSA recommends reinitiating antifungal prophylaxis for lung transplant recipients receiving immunosuppression augmentation with either thymoglobulin, alemtuzumab, or high dose corticosteroids (S-M). Prophylaxis

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