IDSA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Healthcare-Associated Infections

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ÎEnsure cleaning and disinfection of equipment and the environment (B-III for equipment and B-II for the environment). ÎImplement a laboratory-based alert system to provide immediate notification to infection prevention and control and clinical personnel about patients with newly diagnosed CDI (B-III). ÎConduct CDI surveillance; analyze and report CDI data (B-III). ÎEducate healthcare personnel, housekeeping personnel, and hospital administration about CDI (B-III). ÎEducate patients and their families about CDI as appropriate (B-III). ÎMeasure compliance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or World Health Organization hand-hygiene and contact precaution recommendations (B-III). Special approaches for the prevention of CDI** ÎPerform a CDI risk assessment. ÎApproaches to minimize transmission by healthcare personnel > Intensify the assessment of compliance with process measures (B-III). > Perform hand hygiene with soap and water as the preferred method before exiting the room of a patient with CDI (B-III). > Place patients with diarrhea under contact precautions while C. difficile test results are pending (B-III). > Prolong the duration of contact precautions after the patient becomes asymptomatic until hospital discharge (B-III). ÎApproaches to minimize CDI transmission from the environment > Assess the adequacy of room cleaning (B-III). > Use sodium hypochlorite (bleach)-containing cleaning agents for environmental cleaning. Implement a system to coordinate with the housekeeping department if it is determined that sodium hypochlorite is needed for environmental disinfection (B-II). ÎApproaches to reduce the risk of CDI acquisition > Initiate an antimicrobial stewardship program (AII). Approaches that should CDI prevention be considered a routine part of > Patients without signs or symptoms of CDI should NOT be tested for C. difficile (B-II). > C. difficile testing should NOT be repeated at the end of successful therapy for a patient recently treated for CDI (B-III). * Recommended for all acute care hospitals. ** These special approaches are recommended for use in locations and/or populations within the hospital for which outcome data and/or risk assessment suggest lack of effective control despite implementation of basic practices. C . d i f f i c il e N OT

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