IDSA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Healthcare-Associated Infections

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Prevention Prevention of Methicillin-Resistant (MRSA) Transmission Basic practices for prevention and monitoring of MRSA transmission* ÎComponents of a MRSA transmission prevention program > Conduct a MRSA risk assessment (B-III). > Implement a MRSA monitoring program (A-III). > Promote compliance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or World Health Organization hand hygiene recommendations (A-II). > Use contact precautions for MRSA-colonized or -infected patients (A-II). > Ensure cleaning and disinfection of equipment and the environment (B-III). > Educate healthcare personnel about MRSA, including risk factors, routes of transmission, outcomes associated with infection, prevention measures, and local epidemiology (B-III). > Implement a laboratory-based alert system that immediately notifies infection prevention and control and clinical personnel of new MRSA-colonized or -infected patients (B-III). > Implement an alert system that identifies readmitted or transferred MRSA-colonized or -infected patients (B-III). > Provide MRSA data and other outcome measures to key stakeholders, including senior leadership, physicians, and nursing staff (B-III). > Educate patients and their families about MRSA, as appropriate (B-III). Special approaches for the prevention of MRSA transmission** ÎActive surveillance testing: MRSA screening program for patients > Implement a MRSA active surveillance testing program as part of a multifaceted strategy to control and prevent MRSA transmission when evidence suggests ongoing transmission despite implementation of basic practices (B-II). ÎActive surveillance testing for MRSA among healthcare personnel > Screen healthcare personnel for MRSA infection or colonization only if they are epidemiologically linked to a cluster of MRSA infections (B-III). ÎRoutine bathing with chlorhexidine > Routinely bathe adult ICU patients with chlorhexidine (B-III). ÎMRSA decolonization therapy for MRSA-colonized persons > Provide decolonization therapy to MRSA-colonized patients in conjunction with an active surveillance testing program (B-III). Prevention of Infection (CDI) Basic practices for prevention and monitoring of CDI* ÎUse contact precautions for infected patients, with a single-patient room preferred (A-II for hand hygiene, A-I for gloves, B-III for gowns, and B-III for single-patient room). Sta phylococcus aur eus Clostridium dif ficile

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