Key Points
ÎThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 1 of every 10-20 patients hospitalized in the United States develops a healthcare- associated infection.
General Principles
ÎEducate healthcare personnel; ensure that only trained, dedicated personnel perform procedures.
ÎPeriodically assess personnel compliance with protocols. ÎEducate patients/relatives about prevention. ÎPerform risk assessment.
ÎAssess need carefully and use lower risk procedure/technique/device whenever possible.
ÎDiscontinue device as soon as possible. ÎUse hospital-approved protocols and checklists for each procedure. ÎPerform hand hygiene frequently. ÎDo not open sterile, closed systems. Replace if opening occurs.
ÎDocument indications for procedure, individual performing procedure, date and time of implementation, and date and time of discontinuation.
ÎConduct active, continuing monitoring and surveillance of all necessary elements with feedback to all involved personnel.
ÎAutomate data. ÎInitiate antibiotic stewardship program.