SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Animals in Healthcare Facilities (SHEA)

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4 Animal-Assisted Activities III. Requirements of Acceptable Animals for Animal-Assisted Activities Programs A. Allow only domestic companion dogs to serve as animal-assisted activities animals. Cats are not included in the recommendation due to concerns for increased potential allergenicity, potential increased risk of bites and scratches, and lack of data demonstrating advantages over dogs. 1. Allow only adult dogs (ie, dogs of ≥1 year but ideally ≥2 years of age, the age of social maturity). 2. Deny the entry of dogs directly from an animal shelter or similar facility. 3. Require that dogs be in a permanent home for ≥6 months prior to enrolling in the program. 4. Admit a dog only if it is a member of a formal animal-assisted activities program and is present exclusively for the purposes of animal-assisted activities. B. Require that every dog pass a temperament evaluation specifically designed to evaluate it under conditions that might be encountered when in the healthcare facility. Such an evaluation should be performed by a designated evaluator. 1. Typically, this evaluation will assess, among other factors, reactions toward strangers, loud and/or novel stimuli, angry voices and potentially threatening gestures, being crowded, being patted in a vigorous or clumsy manner, reaction to a restraining hug, interactions with other animals, and the ability to obey handler's commands. C. Require all evaluators (either at facility or at the formal certification program) to successfully complete a course or certification process in evaluating temperament and to have experience in assessing animal behavior and level of training. 1. Require all evaluators to have experience with animal visiting programs or, at the very least, appreciate the types of challenges that animals may encounter in the healthcare environment (eg, startling noises, crowding, rough handling ). 2. If several animals need to be evaluated for behaviors other than reactions to other animals, require that the temperament evaluator assess each animal separately, rather than assessing several animals simultaneously. D. Recommend that animal-handler teams be observed by an animal- assisted activities program liaison at least once in a healthcare setting before being granted final approval to visit. E. Recommend that each animal be reevaluated at least every 3 years. F. Require that any animal be formally reevaluated before returning to animal-assisted activities after an absence of >3 months.

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