Research Animals
VI. Cleanup/Waste Disposal
A. At the conclusion of the procedure, the room must be thoroughly
cleaned with an EPA-registered disinfectant that is appropriate for the
pathogen risks posed by the animals.
B. Patients are not allowed entry until the room has been cleaned and
C. If appropriate, a portable high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) unit
should be placed in the room and run until the next work day to reduce
airborne particulate allergens.
D. All waste generated during the study should be considered potentially
biohazardous and disposed of as regulated waste.
VII. Veterinary Procedures
A. Whenever possible, animals should be treated in facilities specialized
for animal care. However, the expense of specialized equipment may
preclude use solely for animals and, on occasion, veterinary facilities or
zoological institutions may wish to utilize human healthcare equipment
or facilities.
B. The practices and procedures noted above should be employed to
ensure human safety and animal well-being.
VIII. Zoo Animals
A. Special care needs to be taken in the transport and care of zoo animals
that are venomous (eg, venomous snakes), large (eg, elephant), or
carnivorous (eg, tigers, lions).
B. Zoo animals must be accompanied by and contained at all times by
trained staff.
C. Contact of animals by HCP not affiliated with the research or clinical
activity should be prohibited.