Mitral Regurgitation - Valvular Heart Disease Guidelines

Valvular Heart Disease

ACC/AHA Valvular Heart Disease - Mitral Regurgitation GUIDELINES Apps brought to you charge courtesy of Guideline Central and Abbott Vascular.

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Table 36. Noncardiac Surgery in Patients With VHD Recommendations COR LOE Noncardiac Surgery in Patients With VHD Moderate-risk elective noncardiac surgery with appropriate intraoperative and postoperative hemodynamic monitoring is reasonable to perform in patients with asymptomatic severe AS. IIa B Moderate-risk elective noncardiac surgery with appropriate intraoperative and postoperative hemodynamic monitoring is reasonable to perform in patients with asymptomatic severe MR. IIa C Moderate-risk elective noncardiac surgery with appropriate intraoperative and postoperative hemodynamic monitoring is reasonable to perform in patients with asymptomatic severe AR and a normal LVEF. IIa C Moderate-risk elective noncardiac surgery in patients with appropriate intraoperative and postoperative hemodynamic monitoring may be reasonable to perform in asymptomatic patients with severe MS if valve morpholog y is not favorable for PMBC. IIb C 55

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