Epilepsy in Pregnancy

AAN GUIDELINES Product Bundle brought to you by Guideline Central.

Issue link: https://eguideline.guidelinecentral.com/i/322488

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Perinatal Death Î Neonates born to WWE probably do not have a substantially increased risk of perinatal death (Level B). Table 2. APGAR Score Sign 0 Points 1 Point 2 Points Activity (Muscle Tone) Absent Arms and legs flexed Active Movement Pulse Absent < 100 bpm > 100 bpm Grimace (Reflex Irritability) No Response Grimace Sneeze, cough, pulls away Aura (Skin Color) Blue-gray, pale all over Pink, except for extremities Pink over entire body Respiration Absent slow, irregular Regular, crying Table 3. Potential Problem in WWE Potential Problem in WWE Agent(s) Magnitude of Effect Level of Evidence Maternal premature contractions and premature labor WWE + tobacco hh C AEDs h < 1.5 B cesarean delivery AEDs h 1.5 - 2x B-C late pregnancy bleeding AEDs h < 2x B preeclampsia, pregnancy-related hypertension, spontaneous abortion, a change in seizure frequency, or status epilepticus AEDs ? U seizures during pregnancy Seizure-free for 9 mos before conception iii B Neonatal hemorrhagic complications AEDs ? U small for gestational age (SGA) AEDs h B 1-minute Apgar < 7 AEDs h C reduced cognition AEDs ? U CBZ no change B VPA h B PB, PHT h C Strength of Recommendation A strong evidence C weak evidence B moderate evidence U insufficient evidence

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