Endocrine Society GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Metabolic Risk

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Contents of this Issue


Page 12 of 17

13 Table 5. Components of Healthy Cardiovascular Dietary Patterns Rich In Moderate In Low In • Vegetables • Fruits • Whole grains • Nuts • Legumes • Unsaturated oils • Low-fat dairy • Poultry • Fish • Alcohol • Red and processed meat • High-fat dairy • Sugar-sweetened foods • Sugar-sweetened drinks • Sodium Table 6. Nutrient Action Nutrient Action LDL-C HDL-C TGL Replacing saturated fats by poly- or mono- unsaturated fatty acids Lower Higher Replacing saturated fats by polyunsaturated fatty acids Lower Replacing saturated fats by carbohydrates Lower Higher Higher Replacing trans fat by mono or polyunsaturated fatty acids Lower Higher Lower Replacing carbohydrates by mono or polyunsaturated fatty acids Lower Higher Lower Adding polyunsaturated fatty acids Lower Lower Adding monounsaturated fatty acids Higher

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