International Travel
12. Clinicians may administer inactivated vaccines indicated for travel
based on the CDC annual schedule for immunocompetent adults
and children (SR-L).
13. Yellow fever vaccine generally should NOT be administered to
immunocompromised persons (SR-M). If travel to an endemic
area cannot be avoided, vaccination can be considered in certain
adults with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection who are
minimally immunocompromised:
a. Asymptomatic HIV-infected adults with CD4 T-cell lymphocyte counts of
≥200 cells/mm
b. Asymptomatic HIV-infected children age 9 months through 5 years with CD4
T-cell lymphocyte percentages of ≥15% (WR-VL)
14. With certain exceptions (eg, yellow fever vaccine and MMR in
certain HIV-infected patients [see recommendation 13 and HIV
section] and MMR in certain HSCT patients [see HSCT section]),
live vaccines should NOT be given to immunocompromised persons
Key Points