IDSA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Vaccination of the Immunocompromised Host

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26 Special Populations Table 6. Vaccination of Persons With Chronic Inflammatory Diseases on Immunosuppressive Medications Recommendation (Strength, Evidence Quality) Vaccine Planned Immunosuppression Low-Level Immunosuppression a High-Level Immunosuppression a H influenzae type b conjugate U (SR-M) U (SR-L) U (SR-L) Hepatitis A U (SR-M) U (SR-L) U (SR-L) Hepatitis B U (SR-M) U (SR-L) U (SR-L) DTaP, Td, Tdap U (SR-M) U (SR-L) U (SR-L) HPV U: age 11-26 y (SR-M) U: age 11-26 y (SR-L) U: age 11-26 y (SR-VL) Influenza, inactivated U (SR-M) U (SR-M) U (SR-M) Influenza, live attenuated X (WR-VL) X (WR-VL) X (WR-VL) MMR, live Ub (SR-M) X (WR-VL) X (WR-VL) MMRV, live Ub (SR-L) X (WR-VL) X (SR-VL) Meningococcal conjugate U (SR-M) U (SR-M) U (SR-L) Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV13) Rc (SR-M) U: age <6 y (SR-L) R: age ≥6 yc (SR-VL) U: age <6 y (SR-L) R: age ≥6 yc (SR-VL) Pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPSV23) R: age ≥2 y (SR-L) R: age ≥2 y (SR-L) R: age ≥2 y (SR-VL) Poliovirus, inactivated U (SR-M) U (SR-M) U (SR-L) Rotavirus, live U (SR-M) X (WR-VL) X (WR-VL) Varicella, live Ub (SR-M) Xd (WR-VL) X (SR-M) Zoster, live R: age 50-59 y* (WR-L) U: age ≥60 y (SR-L) R: age 50-59 y* (WR-VL) U: age ≥60 y (SR-VL) X (WR-VL)

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