Heart Failure

Heart Failure - 2017 Update

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8 Table 4. Selected Multivariable Risk Scores to Predict Outcome in HF Risk Score URL/Reference Chronic HF All patients with chronic HF Seattle Heart Failure Model http://SeattleHeartFailureModel.org Heart Failure Survival Score http://handheld.sopedia.com/get/Health/ Calculator/HFSS-Calc-37354.shtml CHARM risk score Pocock SJ, et al. Eur Heart J. 2006;27:65-75. CORONA risk score Wedel H, et al. Eur J Heart Fail. 2009;11:281-291. Specific to chronic HFpEF I-PRESERVE score Komajda M, et al. Circ Heart Fail. 2011;4:27-35. Acute Decompensated HF ADHERE classification and regression tree (CART) model Fonarow GC, et al. JAMA. 2005;293:572-580. American Heart Association Get With e Guidelines-HF score http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/ HealthcareProfessional/ GetWitheGuidelinesHFStroke/ GetWitheGuidelinesHeartFailureHomePage/ Get-With-e-Guidelines-Heart-Failure-Home- %20 Page_UCM_306087_SubHomePage.jsp EFFECT risk score http://www.ccort.ca/Research/CHFRiskModel.aspx ESCAPE risk model and discharge score O'Connor CM, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010;55:872- 878. OPTIMIZE-HF risk- prediction nomogram Kociol RD, Horton JR, Fonarow GC, et al. Circ Heart Fail. 2011;4:628-636. Diagnostic Tests Î Initial laboratory evaluation of patients presenting with HF should include a complete blood cell count, urinalysis, measurement of serum electrolytes (including calcium and magnesium), blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, glucose, and thyroid-stimulating hormone, a fasting lipid profile, and liver function tests. (I-C) Î Serial monitoring, when indicated, should include serum electrolyte levels and renal function. (I-C) Î A 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) should be performed initially on all patients presenting with HF. (I-C) Î Screening for hemochromatosis or HIV is reasonable in selected patients who present with HF. (IIa-C) Î Diagnostic tests for rheumatological diseases, amyloidosis, or pheochromocytoma are reasonable in patients presenting with HF in whom there is a clinical suspicion of these diseases. (IIa-C) Diagnosis

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