Heart Failure

Heart Failure - 2017 Update

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Page 12 of 61

13 Table 9. Recommendations for Noninvasive Imaging Recommendations COR LOE Patients with suspected, acute, or new-onset HF should undergo a chest x-ray I C A 2-dimensional echocardiogram with Doppler should be obtained for initial evaluation of HF I C Repeat measurement of EF is useful in patients with HF who have had a significant change in clinical status or received treatment that might affect cardiac function, or for consideration of device therapy I C Noninvasive imaging to detect myocardial ischemia and viability is reasonable in HF and CAD IIa C Viability assessment is reasonable before revascularization in HF patients with CAD IIa B Radionuclide ventriculography or MRI can be useful to assess LVEF and volume IIa C MRI is reasonable when assessing myocardial infiltration or scar IIa B Routine repeat measurement of LV function assessment should NOT be performed III: No Benefit B

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