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Copyright © American Psychiatric Association.
All rights reserved.
ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; APA, American Psychiatric Association; BMI,
body mass index; BPD, borderline personality disorder; DBT, dialectical behavior therapy;
DDP, dynamic deconstructive psychotherapy; ECG, electrocardiography; ED, emergency
department; GPM, good psychiatric management; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; MBT,
mentalization-based treatment; MDD, major depressive disorder; PTSD, posttraumatic stress
disorder; SFT, schema-focused therapy; STEPPS, systems training for emotional predictability
and problem solving; TFP, transference-focused psychotherapy
American Psychiatric Association: Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients with
Borderline Personality Disorder, Second Edition. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric
Publishing 2025.
This resource is for informational purposes only, intended as a quick-reference tool based on the
cited source guideline(s), and should not be used as a substitute for the independent professional
judgment of healthcare providers. Practice guidelines are unable to account for every individual
variation among patients or take the place of clinician judgment, and the ultimate decision
concerning the propriety of any course of conduct must be made by healthcare providers after
consideration of each individual patient situation. Guideline Central does not endorse any specific
guideline(s) or guideline recommendations and has not independently verified the accuracy hereof.
Any use of this resource or any other Guideline Central resources is strictly voluntary.
The most common U.S. trade names are included for reference only. At the time of publication,
some of these products may be manufactured only as generic products. Other medications or
other formulations of the listed medications may be available in Canada.
Grading Recommendations
Grade Description
1 Recommendation: Denotes confidence that the benefits of the intervention
clearly outweigh the harms.
2 Suggestion: Denotes benefits that are viewed as outweighing harms, but the
balance is more difficult to judge and patient values and preferences may be
more variable.
Grade Strength of Evidence
A High confidence: High confidence that the evidence reflects the true effect.
Further research is very unlikely to change the estimate of effect and our
confidence in it.
B Moderate confidence: Moderate confidence that the evidence reflects the
true effect. Further research may change the estimate of effect and our
confidence in it.
C Low confidence: Low confidence that the evidence reflects the true effect.
Further research is likely to change the estimate of effect and our confidence
in it.