SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Guide to Being A Safe Visitor to Help Prevent Infections

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Steps to Protect Patients and You Consider what germs you might be carrying with you: • Do not visit if you have symptoms of an infection. • The hospital may require that you wear a face mask. Even if the hospital does not require that you wear a mask, you may consider wearing one to protect yourself and others. • If you intend to bring a gift to the person you are visiting, before you arrive check what is allowed. Some hospitals or units in the hospital do not allow fresh flowers, balloons, fruit baskets, stuffed animals, or other items because of the potential for allergens, mold, or water-borne germs. Practice good hand hygiene: Hands are the most common way disease spreads in the hospital. Everyone in the hospital, including patients and their visitors, should clean their hands frequently. • Most of the time, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer to clean your hands. Hand sanitizer comes in liquid, gel, or foam and is available from dispensers throughout the hospital. • Clean your hands before entering and after exiting a patient's room. • Clean your hands before interacting with food or drinks. • Wash hands with soap and water when they are visibly dirty and after using the bathroom. • After the patient has returned home, continue to clean your hands frequently when you are near them. Practice good respiratory hygiene: • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. • Dispose of tissues in a trash receptacle. • Clean your hands after sneezing, coughing, or blowing your nose. Visitor prompts: "Where is the hand sanitizer dispenser?" "Where can I wash my hands?" "Are there any special instructions I need to follow during my visit?"

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