SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Prevention of SSIs

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10 Recommendations Table 5. Fundamental Elements of Accountability and Engagement for SSI Prevention Organizational Role Responsibilities Accountability Senior management (executives, senior directors) (Note: regulatory requirement for US hospitals) Ensure sufficient funds, expertise, and commitment to an infection prevention and control (IPC) program that effectively prevents healthcare- associated infections (HAIs) and the transmission of epidemiologically important pathogens. Accountable for proper resource allocation and evaluation, including training, competency, and ancillary support (e.g., data analysis). Surgical services leadership (surgeon, anesthesia, perioperative nursing leaders) Ensure all perioperative staff are aware of their roles and expectations as they relate to SSI prevention. Advocate for the support of senior leadership. Direct evaluation of groups and practitioners, enforcing standards and correcting when necessary. Review of longitudinal outcome data and communication with all perioperative staff. Surgical services staff (surgeons, anesthesiologists/ certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs), perioperative nurses and technicians) Ensure execution of prevention measures consistently for all procedures. Escalate questions and concerns to senior surgical leadership. SSI prevention process measurement, individual reinforcement, support, and correction as indicated. Pharmacists Ensure proper medications for SSI prevention are available when needed. Promote evidence-based, cost-effective choice of antimicrobial prophylaxis. Track utilization patterns and adverse drug events to ensure proper use of drugs for SSI prevention. Communicate changes and their rationale (e.g., drug shortage, new evidence) Infection preventionists Ensure surveillance for SSI is thorough and aligns with national standards. Support prevention efforts as subject matter experts, coaches, and observers of process and outcome. Educate staff and audit compliance on practical application of infection control related policies and processes. Validation of surveillance methodolog y with transparency to all partners. Assess SSI prevention system as a whole to identify gaps and opportunities.

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