SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Prevention of SSIs

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3 ➤ The use of supplemental oxygen for patients requiring mechanical ventilation is now an unresolved issue and no longer an essential practice. ➤ As an additional approach, consider the use of antiseptic-impregnated sutures at wound closure, particularly in colorectal surgery cases. ➤ In the OR and the post-acute care unit, during patients' postoperative days 1-2 monitor and maintain blood glucose levels between 110-150 mg/dL in patients who are hyperglycemic, regardless of diabetes status. • Postoperative blood glucose control that targets levels <110 mg/dL has been associated with a risk of significantly lowering the blood glucose level and increasing the risk of stroke or death. ➤ As an additional approach, consider the use of negative pressure dressings in the postoperative setting. • The authors added negative pressure dressings as an additional approach, as some studies support their use in patients who have undergone abdominal surgery or joint arthroplasty. • Evidence suggests that the benefit increases with age and body mass index. ➤ This pocket guide highlights practical recommendations to assist acute care hospitals in implementing and prioritizing SSI prevention efforts. ➤ It is based on a synthesis of evidence, theoretical rationale, current practices, practical considerations, author consensus, and consideration of potential harm, where applicable. ➤ No guideline or expert guidance document can anticipate all clinical situations. This pocket guide is not meant to be a substitute for individual clinical judgment by qualified professionals.

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