SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Prevention of MRSA

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Table 1. Recommendations to Prevent MRSA (cont'd) Additional Approaches: can be considered for use in locations and/ or hospital patient populations when MRSA is not controlled after implementation of essential practices Active Surveillance Testing (AST) 1. Implement a MRSA AST program for select patient populations as part of a multifaceted strategy to control and prevent MRSA. (M) Note: Specific populations may have different evidence ratings. 2. Active surveillance for MRSA in conjunction with decolonization can be performed in targeted populations prior to surgery to prevent post-surgical MRSA infection. (M) 3. Active surveillance with contact precautions is inferior to universal decolonization for reduction of MRSA clinical isolates in adult intensive care units (ICUs). (H) 4. Hospital-wide active surveillance for MRSA can be used in conjunction with contact precautions to reduce the incidence of MRSA infection. (M) 5. Active surveillance can be performed in the setting of a MRSA outbreak or evidence of ongoing transmission of MRSA within a unit as part of a multifaceted strateg y to halt transmission. (M) Screen HCP for MRSA infection or colonization 1. Screen HCP for MRSA infection or colonization if they are epidemiologically linked to a cluster of MRSA infections. (L) MRSA decolonization therapy 1. Use universal decolonization (daily chlorhexidine [CHG] bathing plus 5 days of nasal decolonization) for all patients in adult ICUs to reduce endemic MRSA clinical cultures. (H) 2. Perform preoperative nares screening with targeted use of CHG and nasal decolonization in MRSA carriers to reduce MRSA surgical site infection (SSI), in surgical procedures involving implantation of hardware. (M) 3. Screen for MRSA and provide targeted decolonization with CHG bathing and nasal decolonization to MRSA carriers in surgical units to reduce postoperative MRSA inpatient infections. (M) 4. Provide CHG bathing plus nasal decolonization to known MRSA carriers outside the ICU with medical devices, specifically central lines, midline catheters, and lumbar drains, to reduce MRSA clinical cultures. (M)

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