SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Prevention of CLABSI in the NICU

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Table 1. Recommendations 10. reshold to consider implementing additional preventive measures: • Zero CLABSIs is the aspirational and potentially achievable goal. While there is no nationally endorsed threshold above which additional CLABSI prevention measures should be implemented, a variety of quantitative or qualitative metrics may be utilized to identify CLABSI prevention success over time and determine when additional intervention is necessary. • A decision to identify a threshold for action in an individual NICU should assess a variety of factors including : ▶ An SIR or rate of CLABSI that is above goal or increasing despite the consistent implementation of current organizational interventions. ▶ Local interest in setting a specific lower target with input from Infection Prevention and Control (infection preventionists, healthcare epidemiologist). ▶ Patient mix and clinical acuity, which may predict general likelihood of CLABSI. ▶ Resource and personnel capacity for initiation and/or maintenance of specific interventions and practice processes. • Any quantitative or qualitative metric that is defined should be developed and accepted by all stakeholders. 11. Preventive bundle elements, above and beyond those recommended by e Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), to be considered by a NICU experiencing ongoing CLABSI: • Additional practices that lack robust evidence may be effective. There are many different products, technologies, and processes that NICUs may consider. • Implementation of an expanded NICU central line care bundle should take into account the risks and benefits of additional measures, as well as the needs, resources, and local expertise at individual institutions. (cont'd) Table 2. Adapted CDC Checklist for Prevention of CLABSI a Insertion Maintenance ☐ Perform hand hygiene before insertion. ☐ Perform hand hygiene. ☐ Adhere to aseptic technique. ☐ Bathe intensive care unit (ICU) patients who are ≥2 months of age with CHG daily. ☐ Use maximal sterile barrier precautions (i.e., mask, cap, gown, sterile gloves, and sterile full body drape). ☐ Use only sterile devices to access catheters. ☐ Choose the best insertion site to minimize infections and noninfectious complications based on individual patient characteristics. ☐ Prepare the insertion site with >0.5% CHG with alcohol a (see Recommendation 1). ☐ Scrub the access port or hub with friction immediately prior to each use with an appropriate antiseptic (CHG, povidone iodine, an iodophor, or 70% alcohol).

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