SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Prevention of C Diff

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Table 3. Summary of Recommendations to Prevent CDI (cont'd) 5. Assess the adequacy of room cleaning. (L) a. Work with the environmental services team to establish a process for assessing adequacy of room cleaning at a frequency that is feasible for the team. b. Review and improve cleaning/disinfection techniques, including : proper dilution of cleaning/disinfection products, adequacy of cleaning/disinfection technique, cleaning "high-touch" surfaces, frequency of changing rags/mop water, and movement from "clean" areas to "dirty" areas. c. Consider environmental decontamination with an US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved sporicidal agent if room cleaning/disinfection is deemed to be adequate but there is ongoing C. difficile transmission. 6. Implement a laboratory-based alert system to provide immediate notification to infection preventionists and clinical personnel about newly diagnosed patients with CDI. (L) a. To place patients with CDI on contact precautions in a timely manner, develop an alert system among the laboratory, infection preventionists, and the clinical personnel caring for the patient. b. Options that push notifications to those HCP who need to act on the information immediately are preferred, such as phone call and pager alerts or automated secure electronic alerts. The alert system should not rely solely on passive communications that may delay receipt of results, such as faxes or emails to infrequently monitored inboxes. c. Alert patient care areas of positive test results immediately so that these patients can be placed on contact precautions as soon as possible. d. When a patient has CDI (or another current or prior infection requiring isolation), communicate the CDI/isolation status when transferring the patient to another healthcare facility so appropriate precautions can be implemented at the accepting facility. 7. Conduct CDI surveillance and analyze and report CDI data. (H) a. At a minimum, calculate healthcare facility-onset CDI rates at the organizational level and consider specifically calculating CDI rates by unit or ward. (Table 1) b. Provide CDI rates and CDI prevention process measures to key stakeholders including senior leadership, physicians, nursing staff, and other clinicians. c. Provide the process and outcome measures to appropriate hospital staff and administrators on a regular basis. 8. Educate HCP, environmental service personnel, and hospital staff, and administrators about CDI. (L) a. Include risk factors, routes of transmission, local CDI epidemiolog y, patient outcomes, and treatment and prevention measures.

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