SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Prevention of C Diff

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Table 2. CDI Prevention Process and Outcome Measures Process Measures a Compliance with hand hygiene guidelines. (If hand hygiene with soap and water is the preferred method of hand hygiene when caring for patients with CDI, also assess proper hand washing technique with the same formula.) (No. of observed proper hand hygiene episodes performed by healthcare personnel (HCP) ÷ total no. of observed opportunities for hand hygiene) × 100 = % compliance with hand hygiene compliance Compliance with contact precautions (No. of observed patient care episodes in which contact precautions are appropriately implemented ÷ the no. of observed patient care episodes in which contact precautions are indicated) × 100 = % compliance with contact precautions Compliance with environmental cleaning and disinfection One specific measure of compliance for use in all hospitals cannot be recommended. However, many hospitals use checklists, environmental rounds, fluorescent markers, and/or ATP bioluminescence to assess the cleaning and disinfection process and cleanliness of equipment and the environment (see Table 3: Essential practices). Outcome Measures b • Calculate CDI rates. • See Table 1 for case definitions. (No. of CDI cases in the population being monitored ÷ total number of patient days in the population being monitored) × 10,000 = No. of CDI cases per 10,000 patient days. a Ongoing measurement of recommended CDI prevention practices to permit risk assessment of CDI. b Ongoing measurement of incidence density of CDI for longitudinal assessment of outcomes related to the processes of care.

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